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In the past few decades science has played a huge part in how we run and how we can avoid running injuries. We now have running shoes that can cater for the common foot defects that can make running a pain in the....foot. However, we forgot to ask why we suddenly needed to use artificial corrective techniques. The human race has presumably got on just fine without them for millions of years before the invention of the modern running shoe.

This is where the question of barefoot running comes in. There is a fast growing belief around the world that getting back to basics is better than the modern alternative of running shoes. Should we get back to nature and start running barefoot like our ancestors did? Is it as easy as that or does the modern world we live in now make it much harder to make that transition back to basics. Or is it a simple matter that we have become so reliant on our modern way of life that this, in it's own way has become second nature. In other words we may have moved too far from how used to live to revert back easily.

The good news is that we are at least asking these questions instead of asking no questions at all. As a society we are all becoming more health conscious and, as a result, we naturally try to find the best ways to stay in shape. So it would seem that we would also question the very techniques that we use to keep fit.

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Have a look at the following links to get a better idea of the differences between running shoes and barefoot running http://hubpages.com/hub/Running-Shoes-Vs-Barefoot-Running

Or if you have ever wondered why you are not as fit as you used to be here's a few reasons why http://hubpages.com/hub/Why-are-we-so-unfit

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