On Sunday Categories:

The number one reason people don't exercise is because they don't have the time to fit it in their already over scheduled life.

From the time we get up, our lives are filled with constant projects and obligations. You get up and get ready for work and head straight into traffic for the next 45 minutes. Then, for lunch you grab something quick because your boss decides at the last minute he needs a report done by the end of the day.

After work, you can rest and relax right? Of course not, you have to get the kids and drive them to extra curricular activities before heading home. When you get home, you have to prepare dinner, help with homework, and feed Fido. All this in one day -- no wonder you don't have any time to exercise.

So where do you find the time? Well, let us recap the day. When you are preparing to leave home, try doing lunges while walking from room to room. If you watch the news in the morning, do it while walking on the treadmill or running in place. You can also carry weights to add strength training to a cardiovascular exercise. For Fido, take the dog for a walk or run around the block. These exercises can be repeated or done once you return home.

While stuck in traffic, try these exercises. Suck in your stomach for 20 seconds the release it. Repeat this until you get to work and you will feel like you did 100 sit ups. For those times when you are completely stopped try squeezing your thighs together then relaxing. This can be repeated on the way home.

There are many things you can do while working to get your body moving. For example, the stomach exercise mentioned above is great for at your desk. You can modify the stomach exercise by doing side crunches as you hold your stomach in. Flex your calves while sitting straight by lifting your help up and down. During your break, jog up and down the stairs or take a brisk stroll around the building or your floor.

Off to get the kids! Don't let them be the only one getting fit during soccer practice. Bring a change of clothes and run around the field. Do jumping jacks or something to get your exercise in also. If they are inside a building, take a hike up and down the stairs or go outside and enjoy the fresh air. Every little bit counts to a healthier you.

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Author Joseph D. Cooper is an avid blogger and speaker in the health and fitness industry. Rather than relying on weight loss plans like the Medifast diet, Joseph believes that individuals can take control of their on health and well being. You can learn more about what he recommends for his personal clients who are looking for diets that work and healthy weight loss plans.

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