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When it comes to getting rock hard abs, the most effective way is by doing crunches. The crunch does two things it strengthens your core and also focuses the energy right to your abdomen muscles. We will go over some basic crunch exercises that you can do in your home, that are easy to do and effective. One thing to mention though is all of the crunches in the world will not matter if you don't follow a healthy diet. I hear it all the time from my dieters that "I promise you I am doing crunches every day religiously for 30 minutes and still don't see any definition in my abdomen area." See what is happening, is they are working out those abdomen muscles and they are gaining definition, however because they aren't following a healthy diet, the definition is blocked by fat. So, it's important to diet as well as exercise, to lose the extra pounds and fat so you gain that definition.

The basic crunch

This is your basic stomach exercise. If you are new to it, only do two sets of basic crunches, rest, and stretch out. (A set is eight crunch movements.) If you are used to exercise, do two sets and repeat three times, resting and stretching in between.

1. It is important that you protect your back through all these exercises. You should feel the small of your back on the floor. Do not think in terms of lifting your head, think instead of pressing your abdomen down through your spine to the floor.

2. Support your head with one hand; reach out with the other towards your knee or thigh. DO THIS SLOWLY. Do eight or six-teen, depending on your fitness, rest and repeat changing hands.

The crossover crunch

1. Lie with your head supported by both hands, leaving your neck free of tension. To test that you are not straining your neck, you should be able to count to ten while performing this exercise.

2. Inhale before you start. Exhale, and lift your upper body AT THE SAME TIME as you lift your right foot off the floor SIX INCHES. Slightly angle your opposite shoulder towards the right knee. Do six and change sides.

NOTE: If you lift your leg any higher into your chest, you will be using your thigh muscles to help you, so resist. By lifting just a few inches, you will keep all the effort in your stomach muscles.

3. Rest, then repeat sixteen times each side.

4. Turn over to stretch out.

The quarter sit-up

This is a far more advanced exercise. If you prefer, rest your legs on a chair.

1. Take starting position

2. Breathe in, then as you breathe out lift yourself up, including your shoulder blades, and lower again. The idea is to keep your legs steady and not let your knees roll in towards your chest, and to press your stomach downwards. You should try not to tug on your head or neck. Do eight or sixteen, rest and repeat.

If you feel that you could do more exercise, go through the entire sequence of exercises one more time.

Remembering to take time out to drink plenty of water and fluids and to rest if you feel light headed. Remember, that as you start working out you will these abdomen exercises will start to get easier and you will find yourself less tired and able to do more.

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Written by, Barbara Johnson. If you enjoyed this topic you may want to consider a career in healthcare as a nurse, for more information you can visit my website which covers CNA Training and passing your CNA certification nursing exam.

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