On Wednesday Categories:

Being in tune with your body is perhaps the biggest key to getting healthy and staying that way. Understanding your own body and what its normal or abnormal state is can truly allow you to experience health the way that nature intended.

The professionals such as doctors and nurses have a vast assortment of instruments and measuring devices that do a very good job in helping people who are healthy, however this might tell the whole story of what is going on because these tools and calculations are based mostly on a standardized norm and less on what you can sense about your own body signs and signals. This makes even more sense when you realize that you have been the only occupant in your body since your arrival on earth as a human, and who else could sense when something isn't quite right?

For example, some see gas as an annoyance and something that they deal with regularly. When you tend to be a gassy person you just are but if all of a sudden you begin having serious gas issues that don't seem to be related to your diet then you may want to have it checked out. Using your own norm to gauge changes in the body is by far the best way to make sure that you that you catch any problems that may be arising as they come.

Don't be alarmed if your doctor cannot immediately find anything wrong with you, even though you know and can sense something is wrong by the changes going on inside you. Medical doctors can only do what they have been trained to do and that is diagnose the symptoms of issues and the symptoms are few or not consistent, the task can be daunting for even an experienced physician when trying to narrow down the cause of your health issues. As these symptoms become more pronounced until a correct diagnosis is determined, the original issue can get worse, or cause other issues to begin and have been known to become serious or deadly; all depending on the health issue.

These are just a few examples and reasons why you should pursue answers to health issues you are experiencing. Many will be related to the aging process, but unless you absolutely know for sure; you don't know, and it continues to be a guessing game. There is no such thing as being too careful when you have health concerns and you should always take the time to get good solid answers so you can continue in good health that a correct diagnosis will help provide.

here's a fail-safe way to gain muscle while losing fat...
without having to bulk up and cut down...
without spending hours in the gym...
and without restrictive dieting!
Click Here Now to find out more!

By: Ethan C Kalvin

Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

Dependable Health insurance coverage is important to good health. Take care of your family with the Texas health insurance that you require.

On Tuesday Categories:

here's a fail-safe way to gain muscle while losing fat...
without having to bulk up and cut down...
without spending hours in the gym...
and without restrictive dieting!
Click Here Now to find out more!

On Monday Categories:

You've looked everywhere for Turbo Fire reviews and are serious about getting your hands on one of these DVD packages, with free shipping, and burn fat in half the time. Here's the last review you'll ever read, and I'll tell you where to get this package with free shipping.

Turbo Fire by Beachbody. Turbo Fire is led by Chalene Johnson, the master motivator and fitness instructor. As a Wellness coach, I encourage people to set and obtain and surpass their fitness and nutritional goals. One of the recurring roadblocks I encounter with people is loss of motivation to work out and lack of variety in the workouts. People know why they need to get healthy and need to exercise and truly want to obtain those health goals. The problem is lack of motivation and inspiration. Most of us have tried many different at home workout DVDs, and they don't cut the mustard.

Well, NO MORE. Loss of motivation ends with Turbo Fire. Lack of variety ends with Turbo Fire.

You will be inspired by this program.

Chalene Johnson is just the person to get you motivated and pumped up to work out. The DVDs have the best get-you-pumped up music set to a serious plethora of workout routines. You will kick, punch and dance your way to optimal fitness. You will burn up to 9x more calories and fat than in a traditional cardio workout.

I challenge you to just WATCH each DVD, and NOT participate! You'll be in your workout clothes working out with Chalene Johnson before you can say "burn calories." You'll be addicted! The more you exercise, your cravings will slowly disappear, because your body will gradually balance itself out. And, when you do step on that scale, you'll be pleasantly surprised.

Chalene Johnson's method: HITT: High intensity interval training, which is short bursts of high energy effort followed by fast recovery periods. This is the cutting edge methodology for the ultimate in body transformation. It's proven to get the results you want faster than any other type of cardio.

But, don't worry, Chalene teaches you how to do each move properly so you can really get into the workout without causing any discomfort.

With 12 workouts on 11 DVDs,there is no room for boredom. Also, you'll learn more about the HIIT method and why it works. You get a Turbo Fire lower body band, nutrition guide, the 5 day Inferno plan. The Inferno plan shows you how you can lose up to 10 pounds in 5 days. INCREDIBLE.

And, I love the support system with the 24/7 online support. Staying committed and motivated with this feature makes it so much easier with live chats with Chalene and access to fitness experts.

here's a fail-safe way to gain muscle while losing fat...
without having to bulk up and cut down...
without spending hours in the gym...
and without restrictive dieting!
Click Here Now to find out more!

Ready to push your fitness boundaries? For more info on each DVD and free shipping check out my Turbo Fire Review blog.

On Tuesday Categories:

Nowadays, if you head to the gym then you will see one thing in common between most of the die-hard. Most, if not all of them have a protein shake after a decent workout. Protein shakes are more or less a recent development for amateur bodybuilders. If you are wary about drinking protein shakes then here are three alternatives you can consume for protein intake.

The first food is the good old chicken. Bodybuilders in the past regularly ate chicken in order to propel their protein intake. Of course, chicken also tastes good and there are various ways you can cook it. It may take time but it will be worth it. You should also include some veggies with your chicken meal so you can get other important vitamins and minerals in your body.

The second food is the egg. Traditional bodybuilders like to consumer the egg raw but this is not necessary. You can have it boiled or friend. The protein content is still going to be there. You can also mix eggs with vegetables to make a delicious salad. Alternatively, you can make an egg sandwich so that you are also consuming carbohydrates.

Last but not least, natural milk is rich in protein. It helps to add the extra protein power with the protein shake but it is not always necessary. You can make delicious milkshakes instead. Try and avoid preservatives and sugars. You could also make natural ice cream as a treat after a difficult work out session.

here's a fail-safe way to gain muscle while losing fat...
without having to bulk up and cut down...
without spending hours in the gym...
and without restrictive dieting!
Click Here Now to find out more!

Want to lose belly fat? Check out the author's blog for more exercise and diet tips. Also learn about the top ten mistakes which people make when they try and lose belly fat.

On Wednesday Categories:

If you've got a home gym with several pieces of gym equipment, there's a high likelihood you've got an elliptical machine for everyday cardiovascular workouts. Depending on amount of usage, machine quality, age, and the factors, you may have encountered mechanical problems at some time in your ownership. And unless you want to hire a local elliptical machine repair shop, or if you have a lengthy extended warranty, you're going to need to know how to maintain the machine for getting the best use out of it, and extending it's life.

Here are smoke key maintenance suggestions:

Don't buy the cheapest machine - This is just asking for trouble. Obviously the fitness machine market is a big one, so companies are doing everything they can to capture market share, including production of very cheap machines that have inferior quality. Take a hard look at the models above between $1,000 and $3,000 for the most bang for your buck. If the machine you buy requires assembly, it's recommended that you hire a professional.

Regular Greasing Sessions - Most likely you were given a small tube of grease with your elliptical machine out of the box. Don't just dismiss this essential ingredient to assembly. Use the grease liberally - you can always pick up some more from your local auto or hardware store if you run out. It's not suggested that you use WD40 since it tends to attract dust and debris over time, resulting in the opposite of what you intend. It can be used occasionally for eliminating small squeaks, but don't rely on it in place of grease.

Insist on a Manufacturers Warranty - Your elliptical is likely to be one of the most expensive items in your home, so don't dismiss the importance of a 1 year manufacturer's warranty. Most brands offer a limited warranty, and sometimes you can even purchase extended warranties. I mainly want to make sure whatever I buy outlasts the 1 or 2 year point, and after that, I don't feel like I need to spend anymore money on extended warranties.

Buy a Cover - If your machine doesn't come with a cover like some of the top of the line models, buy one separately. If nothing fits your machine, or you don't want to spend so much, outdoor grill covers will do just fine.

If required, hire a pro - There are many fitness equipment maintenance and repair companies that will help you out when the going gets too tough for you to handle. You most likely won't be able to fix a problem if it originates from inside the machine, and you'll want to refer to your warranty, or hire a local fitness machine repairman.

If you take this advice and maintain your elliptical machine regularly, making sure to cover it, grease it when needed, etc, the lifespan of your machine should be extended for quite awhile. The most important thing to do is educate yourself prior to making a purchase decision, and when the time comes, invest in a well-designed, durable elliptical machine that will give you with many years of trouble free use.

here's a fail-safe way to gain muscle while losing fat...
without having to bulk up and cut down...
without spending hours in the gym...
and without restrictive dieting!
Click Here Now to find out more!

If you'd like to learn more about the extraordinary benefits of using elliptical machines and review a sample elliptical workout, visit EllipticalSource.com.

On Tuesday Categories:

Are you easily injured? Are you weaker than you?d like to be? You can change this, you have the power, and it is right there in your core. Core strength is the key to a strong, healthy, body. A New York City Personal Trainer can help you achieve this and be all you are meant to be.

Do you know where your core is? When most people think core, they think abs and back. There is much more to it than that. A strong core includes your abs and back, but also your pelvic and hip muscles which provide critical stability for your body when you are riding on the E train, hauling groceries from Fairway, or dancing the night away. You need your abs, back, pelvic and hip muscles working together in harmony for the core strength that prevents injury in all areas of your daily life.

Many people make the mistake of overemphasizing one of these muscle groups over the others. Six pack abs look great. They are the ultimate goal of many people and lead many to believe they not only look good but also have core strength. But you can have lean six-pack abdominals and still be easily injured because of weakness elsewhere that could throw your body out of balance. Personal trainers NYC will develop the perfect core-strengthening program so that your body works in balance, reducing injuries whether you are a NY Marathon runner or just hoping to make it around the reservoir without a leg cramp.

How will you achieve the core strength to reduce the injuries that can knock you off track? Don?t relegate your core exercises to the last five minutes of your workout. You have to make the promise of good core health to yourself and then put in the energy and work to get there. The best way to do this is with a plan developed especially for your body and your needs. Your personalized plan for core strength and reduced injuries can be a combination of activities you are familiar with, like Pilates and yoga, and less familiar moves and exercises that a personal trainer NYC will teach you.

Most importantly, before starting any exercise program, be sure to speak you?re your doctor first. It may be best to start with an annual physical, so one has a baseline for one?s health, as well as possibly heading off any underlying problems that could derail progress.

here's a fail-safe way to gain muscle while losing fat...
without having to bulk up and cut down...
without spending hours in the gym...
and without restrictive dieting!
Click Here Now to find out more!

By: Jordan Glenn

Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

About the Author I have always believed that anyone who wants to live a healthy lifestyle should have the opportunity. For more information please visit neighborhoodtrainer.com.

On Thursday Categories:

Be My Friend www.myspace.com Diet Weight Loss Secret Healthy Tips - Clinical Nutrition Visit Radhia's Website at www.advancedhealthinstitute.com www.aimmd.com www.youtube.com RadhiaGleis is a Certified Clinical Nutritionist, CCN She is also a Certified BioNutritional Analyst. She has a Ph.D. in pastoral counseling and a M.Ed. in nutrition. She is a professional member of the International and American Association of Clinical Nutritionists, (IAACN), and the American Naturopathic Medical Association (ANMA). This video was produced by Psychetruth www.myspace.com www.youtube.com psychetruth.blogspot.com Psychetruth is empowered by TubeMogul www.tubemogul.com © Copyright 2008 Alternative Health Institute Productions. All Rights Reserved.
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