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Nowadays, if you head to the gym then you will see one thing in common between most of the die-hard. Most, if not all of them have a protein shake after a decent workout. Protein shakes are more or less a recent development for amateur bodybuilders. If you are wary about drinking protein shakes then here are three alternatives you can consume for protein intake.

The first food is the good old chicken. Bodybuilders in the past regularly ate chicken in order to propel their protein intake. Of course, chicken also tastes good and there are various ways you can cook it. It may take time but it will be worth it. You should also include some veggies with your chicken meal so you can get other important vitamins and minerals in your body.

The second food is the egg. Traditional bodybuilders like to consumer the egg raw but this is not necessary. You can have it boiled or friend. The protein content is still going to be there. You can also mix eggs with vegetables to make a delicious salad. Alternatively, you can make an egg sandwich so that you are also consuming carbohydrates.

Last but not least, natural milk is rich in protein. It helps to add the extra protein power with the protein shake but it is not always necessary. You can make delicious milkshakes instead. Try and avoid preservatives and sugars. You could also make natural ice cream as a treat after a difficult work out session.

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Want to lose belly fat? Check out the author's blog for more exercise and diet tips. Also learn about the top ten mistakes which people make when they try and lose belly fat.

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