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Do you want to know how to beat your fastest time easily? Or do you want to know how to push that little bit extra to get that extra mile? If you do, then here are 5 secrets to increase your running endurance.

1. Breathe in and out with every step

The most important thing when running is how you breathe. The more you breathe efficiently, the better your body can run more efficient and hence make you run more longer and faster. The secret of breathing when running is to take a breath for one step you make and then one breath out with another step. You should do this rhythmically and constantly with every step that you take. Once you do this, you will be amazed how fast and long you can run.

2. Take large steps when running

When most people run or job, they tend to take tiny steps. This is inefficient way of running. The most efficient way of running is to make a big or large step as much as possible. When you do this, you will find that it takes less energy, heart beats and breath to run then if you do by taking short brisk steps.

3. Buy good running shoes with good arch support

Good running shoes with arch support makes a huge difference when running. You can potentially cut your time by at least twenty per cent by running with proper running shoes. This is because when you wear good shoes with arch support, you are able to get a firmer push off and hence acceleration when running.

4. Eat a high fibre and carbohydrate meal two hours before exercise

To run longer and faster, you need lots of fuel and energy. If you don't have enough fuel or energy in your body, your body will splutter and strain when running. Therefore, you should have lots of fuel and energy to run. The best way to do this by eating a high fibre and carbohydrate meal two hours before you exercise. A good meal to have is creamy pasta which is filled with lots of carbohydrates. This will give you plenty of energy to boost you through your run.

5. Keep your eyes looking forward

When you run, you should keep your eyes constantly looking forwards. This is because if you look down when you run, you block your airways which reduces oxygen. Therefore to prevent this, you have to keep looking forwards at all times.

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Lam Bong is an Author living in Sydney, Australia. He is interested in reading and creating websites. His latest website is about sore achilles tendon and finding the best Achilles tendon soreness on the web today.

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