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The right running shoes are the most valuable piece of training in your running program. And when we find what works for us, we fall in love and cling to it. Well running shoes have also an expiration date, and you need to learn when pair of shoes is inappropriate for running. Then it's time to break up and seek a new sole-mate.

Here are a few reasons to ask yourself when thinking about pulling the plug on your beloved running shoes.

1 - Mileage

Sport shoes are designed to sustain and protect the foot from the pressure of running. But this stability and cushioning effect breaks down after a certain mileage; this mileage may range from 300 to 500 miles. It may sound like a lot of miles to be logged but don't forget the accumulative effect.

For example if you are running for 30 miles per week, then you should consider changing your shoes after only 12 weeks of training. Keep a running journal in order to keep track of your weekly mileage.

2 - Pain

Pain in the lower foot, ankle or elsewhere, should be considered an indicator that's something is going wrong. Even if you had just bought the pair, you need to consider thoroughly whether you have made the best buying decision, we all have buyer's remorse from time to time.

Of course you may use orthotics to better support your feet, but if the pain persists-change your sneakers immediately. Don't worry; there is always a welcoming home for your shoes. Charity can be the best option. There are so many people whom may need your pair. Or you may also consider selling them on the internet.

3 - Age

As I said I pointed earlier, running shoes have a limited life span, but they just don't drop dead aside; instead they keep on being in our lives. Contrary to the popular belief that states running shoes should be replaced after 6 month of running. This principle is proven unreliable. There are many factors that influence your sneaker and old age is one of them.

You may have just discovered a pair of your old shoes in the garage that you had forgotten about, so you start thinking that you don't need to purchase a new one. Old shoes are improper shoes, and running in the wrong shoes can have devastating effects on your running training and safety.

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From David Dack - Running Author And Enthusiast

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