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The decision to start running regularly for your exercise or weight loss goals means you already on the right track! Running is the ultimate way to get fit and is an ideal form of cardiovascular and aerobic exercise. Running can make you sweat a lot. This is just a good sign that your body is working hard at metabolizing and burning up that fat. However, before you just go out running you need to make sure you are doing it right and doing it safely. Therefore if you?re a beginner runner, use these top tips to guide you in your running plan.

Top tip one: Is it the right time to start running? Of course. No matter what age you are, regular exercise or running is going to be good for body. The benefits include: decrease in the risk of heart and lung disease, feel more energetic throughout the day, sleep better, as well as lose the weight you always wanted to lose. Therefore, hold off no longer and get going!

Top tip two: Always consult your doctor. Before starting any running or exercise program it is appropriate to consult your doctor or physician. This is highly recommended if you are suffering from heart problems, obesity, breathing problems, and chromic fatigue. Your doctor will help you on how to approach your running program and how much running you should do. Doing too much running is not safe.

Top tip three: Starting out, you should use a simple walk/run program to build up your fitness slowly. Check out www.fitnessandrunning.com for a sample beginners running plan. Over the weeks your time spent running will increase and your time walking will decrease until you can run continuously for 30 minutes. Building up over time will mean your body can take the greater distances and endure the longer sessions.

Top tip four: Monitor your progress. This involves monitoring your pulse and your times running. The devices on the market today can give you vast amount of information on heart beat, calories burnt, distance, time and speed. Watching this information change over time will show you improvements and crucially how to plan your workouts.

Finally, listen to your own body. Everybody is different so it can be difficult to follow a plan made for everyone. It is normal to feel tired and a little pain. So keep up the work and this will pass. However, be alert for dizziness or chest pains. This means you have overdone it and should seek medical advice. Follow this advice will be off to a good start on your running.

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By: T Penny

Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

Fitness and running!

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