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Interval cardio training involves working out at a moderate level of cardio exercise, for which you exercise at a steady pace for 2 minutes, and then pick up the pace for 30 seconds. This kind of training is a very effective in burning away the fat cells, while improving your cardiovascular fitness. And because interval training incorporates aerobic and anaerobic exercise into one routine, your body becomes conditioned to perform at it's maximum potential, whether short bursts are required, like in sprints, or an exercise which requires more stamina, such as long distance running. One method of intensity training which I personally have found to be beneficial, and can be done without a gym, is shuttle sprints.

The idea of shuttle sprints to jog to one lamppost, and sprint the next. This particular kind of training is perfect when you have been neglecting your gym time, and will help you get fit within two weeks. For those who don't frequent the gym often, intensity training is something you should really look into and research. This form of exercise will, over time, improve your metabolism. You'll find you start losing weight faster, and discover an increase in energy levels. In a world where obesity is fast becoming a serious problem, it's so important we take control of our lives, mentally, and physically.

There are far too many conveniences in today's world, fast food restaurants, microwave ovens etc. This is where Interval training is an ideal form of training. It decreases the risk for heart attack, works wonders on that fat belly, and provides that core strength which is so important just to function in your everyday life.

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To read more about interval training, check out Malopuff Lifestyle which covers a diverse range of topics, including the widely popular insanity workout program.

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