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Nowadays, people have become busy and preoccupied by work that we all tend to want things to be done instantly and the easy way. Eating fast food has been common to people who seem to be running after time. Instead of climbing up the stairs, we take the elevator. Instead of walking to a nearby grocery shop, we go by car. Our late nights are spent sitting on the couch and being holed up in front of the television until we fall asleep. We forgot about the significance of regular exercise and its benefits.

We need to work our way to physical fitness by using our muscle groups. Aerobic exercise is an activity which uses oxygen in our body in a way more than we usually utilize. These exercises are continuously and rhythmically done. Walking, jogging, running, dancing, bicycling, swimming, and jumping rope are some examples of aerobic exercise. Activities which can be done in our homes so we need not go too far.

Exercise has significance in strengthening the heart muscle contraction which improves the blood supply to the heart and muscles. It also improves ventilation or the movement of air in and out of our lungs. It also prevents accumulation of secretions in our lungs which allows us to breathe easily. It improves our appetite and aids peristalsis or the contraction and relaxation of the muscles in our digestive system which facilitates the movement of the food that we take in. During exercise, our metabolic rate increases therefore are calories are being used up.

It has been found to reduce the level of triglyceride or fatty acids and cholesterol in our body. It also lowers our blood sugar by improving the efficiency of insulin, a hormone responsible for lowering our blood glucose level. Since it promotes blood flow, waste products of our body are excreted more effectively which is beneficial to our urinary system. It also maintains the tone and strength of our muscles and improves flexibility. But the most important benefit of all is that it improves our body image and self-concept. It promotes a sense of well-being and helps perk up our tolerance with regards to stress.

These activities are easy and most of us have probably done nearly all of this while we were kids. It is recommended to people of all ages. Even people over 60 years can benefit from regular exercise and it does not mean wearing ourselves off inside the gym with all those weights and strenuous activities. Ideally, it is best to choose an activity which we enjoy so we do not feel forced and pressured and end up regretting and being pessimistic towards these. We also need to be sure that our body is capable of doing these things by having a thorough check-up with a physician first. Regular exercise is an activity which one can enjoy and reap health benefits from. With all these benefits listed, who wouldn't want to do it now?

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Ralph J. Greene enjoys writing for Uniformhaven.com which sells cherokee scrubs and landau scrubs as well as a host of additional products.

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