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Many people everyday go online, buy products and pay for training on how to lose stomach fat and get flat abs. And usually, they will be prescribed some type of cardio routine.

Now, its always great to see someone finally get off the couch and start getting healthy. But most of the advice they get about cardio routines is completely wrong.

I'm not anti-cardio at all, I'm just anti-traditional cardio.

Let me explain...

There is an old school way of thinking that says, "you have to do exercise at 60 to at most 70% intensity for 30 to 60min at a time, 3 to 5 days a week to see true fat loss results."

Most experts call this the fat-burning zone...

I'm going to go on a limb here and tell you directly, that this isn't the true fat burning zone.

Here's why...

Our bodies were not designed to perform in a steady-state fashion and in fact, we are the only species that exercises for a certain amount of time, in the same pace.

All of life's activities and sports are designed with variable amounts of stop and go motions. Brief all out exertion, followed by a short break or rest.

Basketball, Volleyball, Hockey, Rugby and Baseball all have those same characteristics.

Now, I don't want to get to sciency on you but a little here, will do you good...

Scientists have linked steady state exercise to many long term health problems...

What happens is the body starts producing more free radicals, which can lead to joint degeneration, more inflammation, muscle waisting and ultimately chronic type diseases.

Sounds great, right?

On the other hand if you exercise in a high intense variable way. Scientists have linked this type of exercise to an anti-inflammatory response, a more efficient nitric oxide response, which leads to a healthier cardiovascular system and we all know that, this leads to a higher metabolic rate.

And a higher metabolic rate will help you lose your stomach fat and finally show off some abs.

Get it?

Here is how you can perform highly variable intense exercise.

I recommend sprinting.

All you have to do is walk and run as fast as you can.

Warm up for about 5min with a fast walk
Interval run for 45 seconds
Interval walk fast 1min 15seconds

And rinse and repeat, until you feel exhausted. I don't recommend going for more than 20min. The effect starts to die down after that.

If you can do more than 20min I recommend that you up the intensity or up the time you are doing the interval run by a couple more seconds.

The key to lose stomach fat and get flat abs is not complicated like most guru's and fitness experts try to make it.

By following a tactic as simple as this, you can start seeing the abs you've always wanted within a short 30 days from now.

Learn how to lose the last 15 pounds and look awesome in no time! Click Here Now!

I have prepared a valuable report for you on how you can lose stomach fat fast, using effective techniques like these. Click here to get it.

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