If you are frustrated with your cardio fat loss results, then you need to take a good look at your training regiment and find out why you are not getting the desires results. There may be too many causes to support your case, but there is no secret that can solve all your problems overnight.
Therefore, here are some guidelines to help you get the most out of your cardio training for fat loss:
Cardio burning zone
The best training work out is the one done within the cardio burning zone. In this zone, the body burns the highest amount of calories both during the workout and after by elevating energy expenditure and boosting metabolism levels in the hours following the workout. You can calculate your cardio burning zone by monitoring your heart rate during the training.
Getting your heart rate to 75% its maximum rate is sufficient to enter this cardio burning zone. Maximum heart rate can be calculated by following this simple formula:
(220 - Your age) = Maximum Heart Rate
An example of 30 years old person (220 - 30) = 190 beats per minutes is his maximum heart rate.
Now let's calculate his cardio burning zone heart rate: 190 x 75% = 142b.p.m
Now go and calculate your own heart rate and try to do as much cardio training within it.
Doing cardio training sporadically will not get you the desired results. The only way to a permanent weight loss regiment can be achieved through consistent training. Otherwise, you will be fooling and driving yourself crazy. Don't expect too much from just a couple of sessions or you will get disappointed early on.
Consistent training is achieved through cultivating good habits. Cardio training can also become a habit if you intend it so. The way you can do this is by blocking a specific time in your calendar for the next 4 weeks to just do your cardio training no matter the circumstance.
Make your training enjoyable
One of the main reasons why people don't sustain their cardio training for a long period is boredom. Doing the same thing can drive you crazy, in fact the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results.
Fortunately this phenomenon can be tackled by making your training more enjoyable. One way you could make your training more fun is by adding variety to it. Don't repeat the same workout every day, instead try to incorporate other workouts into your training program and alternate between them whenever you feel boredom starting to creep on you.
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From David Dack - Running Author and Enthusiast
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