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I have personally suffered from tennis elbow due to playing various racquet ports, especially badminton, so i know how frustrating and inconvenient the condition is. Tennis elbow can take years to heal. This article will give you information on tennis elbow such as causes, preventions and effective treatments, so that hopefully your tennis elbow will be cured in no time.

The symptoms of the condition is a pain, stiffness and/or numbness around the elbow joint (including the upper forearm). This can make many daily activities such as writing, lifting objects, opening cartoons/jars and opening a door become painful and difficult to do. The pain and inconvenience of not being able to do certain tasks make it a very frustrating condition, especially considering it can take years to heal and fully recover

The cause is damage to the tendons in the forearm or around the elbow. This can be due to infrequently using your forearm or from an injury that has occurred - repetitive movements are another big cause for Tennis elbow. Tears form in the muscle and tendons; when these tears heal other tears are formed around the muscle which can turn into rough tissue - a substance called collagen then leaks from the injured areas, causing inflammation and pain.

The best treatment is rest and not taking part in any strenuous activity that involves the elbow or arms. Taking an anti-inflammatory drug will also help with the pain, but these can only be taken occasionally due to the cost. Using ice and heat on the affected are may also help with the pain and minimise swelling.

There are other forms of treatment such as creams, massages and braces, but i found these ineffective.

There was one form of treatment that i found to significantly helped reduce the pain and duration of my tennis elbow: tennis elbow exercises

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